Riff's Christian Journal

A Layman's View Of Christian Theology

Archive for April 2013

How To Have Peace With God

You can be at peace with your mate, you can have peace with your kids, you can have peace with the world, but if you don’t have peace with God – you have no peace at all.

Now why would I say that? Because when you have peace with God you know that you will go to Heaven when you die. If you don’t have peace with God, your destination after death is Hell. In this life you will sense that, even if it you do not know or understand why you feel the way that you do. Sometimes you may feel a sense of unease, maybe the nervousness of an impending doom, or even a moment of fright when danger is near. It is because you are afraid to die. And you are afraid to die because you are not sure if you will go to Heaven or Hell.

Hell is real. It is a place of eternal torment, sorrow and grief. It is a place that you do not want to go when you die. Did you know that Jesus spoke more about Hell than He did about Heaven? Because he knew what Hell is like and He wants to warn us of the dangers of what we are doing that will send us there when we die. Hell does not have to be your destination. You can know that you are going to Heaven and you can enjoy peace with God now, in this life and in the next.

So, how can you have peace with God and be assured that you will go to Heaven and not Hell when you die?

In Romans 5: 1 we read the following:

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Being justified is the act, whereby God, through the faith given to us with which to believe, forgives us of our sins, makes us alive in our spirit – the instance of being “born again” – and saves us from the wrath to come on those who disobey Him. This is what allows us to know that we have been brought into the family of God, and in this knowledge we are given the assurance that we now have “peace with God”.

You will learn through God’s Word what Jesus has done in order for us to have this peace. Death will be something of which you will no longer be afraid, for you will know and understand that, in this life, we are only passing through and that our Home lies beyond this life. You can live and enjoy this journey not worrying whether death will visit us today, tomorrow or years down the road. You will feel a closeness to God wanting to be with Him and you will come to know that in His time, according to His will, the time for you to go home will come at the appointed time for you; and you will look forward to that time knowing that you will then be with Jesus – the one to Whom you owe your life.

Now you are probably thinking, “how can I accomplish this? What does it take?” Actually it is very easy to enter into having peace with God. In Romans 10: 9 – 10 we read the following:

…. if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Will you do this now? If you will do exactly what these verses say you will receive forgiveness for your sins, be saved from facing God’s wrath that is to come and you will finally experience knowing true peace with God. If you won’t, if you say you can’t or do not want to, you will never know this peace and you will have no hope of eternal salvation and of spending eternity in Heaven.

Is it worth denying Christ? Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” There is no other way to Heaven. There is no other way to receive forgiveness of your sins. There is no other way of having “peace with God’ except through Jesus.

Do you want to have peace with God? Well. you now know the way to having it given to you. The question is – how bad do you want it?

Written by Glenn C. Riffey

April 14, 2013 at 2:00 pm